Describe how you can use various approaches to explain onyango’s behavior, thoughts and feeling in understanding  various  approaches of abnormal behavior for example biological view, psychoanalytical, behavioral view ,cognitive behavioral view, humanistic-existentialistic view and family system models view, in each of your respective argument towards the approach ,suggest the therapeutic measures that can be applied to help onyango.
Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. Abnormal psychology is focused on the identification, treatment and understanding of abnormal behavior and psychopathology. The term covers a broad range of disorders, from depression to obsession-compulsion to sexual deviation. Counselors, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists often work directly in this field. (Arcinega.M 1981)
(i) Psychoanalysis view of Onyango’s problem
Psychoanalysis is based on the principle that our childhood experience has created our current behavior patterns and thinking process. These thoughts and feelings can become repressed and may manifest themselves as depression or other negative syndromes. (Freud, 1902)
Freud further postulated that our behavior and feelings are powerfully affected by unconscious motives which also are rooted in our early childhood experiences. He believed that all behavior has a cause (usually unconscious) and that all behaviors are determinate by three different parts of our personality; the tripartite.
The tripartite consist in the ego that is the conscious part of our mind and that is always in constant conflict with the other two unconscious parts; the id and the superego. The id stands for the instinctual drives all human beings possess and the superego is our conscious represented by the demands of our parents and the society.
The two drives of the id are: eros (sex drive and life instinct) and Thanatos (the aggressive drive and death instinct) Freud concluded by saying that personality is shaped as the drives are modified by different conflicts at different times of the childhood.
Based on the psychoanalysis view we can say that Onyangos problem is deeply rooted in his early childhood experience when his father constantly bullied, ridiculed and criticized him. This resulted in Onyango´s poor self-esteem and that he is always afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing.
The basic therapeutic measures of psychoanalysis is the interpretation of onyango’s unconscious conflicts that interfere with his daily functioning and gives him depression and compulsion. (Wood, S.2005)Another measure is free association. This is possible for the clients who made mistakes, forgot or showed other peculiarities regarding time; the analyst can usually find various unconscious resistances to the flow of thoughts. Onyango´s masturbation fantasies can also be important. The psychotherapist can try to examine this fantasy to understand how the patients react to them and how he can avoid them. (Bernal, G.1982)
Classical technique this is applied by asking the client to try to say what´s on their mind including interference, exploration (asking questions) and clarification (rephrasing and describing what the client has been saying.).Lastly is transference technique/interpretation. This is to show the patient ways old conflicts arise in current relationship and causes problems in daily life.
Transference measure; The unconscious influence of past learning of traumatic interpersonal relationship and present emotional response, behavior and relationships. This mal-adaptive learning stems; From childhood experience and interferes with normal relationships and decision-making.

(ii) Biological view of Onyango problem
This approach believes that we become ill medically and psychologically because of psychological or genetic damage, disease or accident. We evolved both physically and psychologically in response to our environment. Our genetics accounts for our shared physique and emotion. Our genetics also influence our individual development physically and psychologically. The approach has been very influential in the use of physical therapies and chemotherapies as the treatment of various mental disorders.
From  biological view, what happened in Onyangos previous life is not relevant. According to this perspective, Onyango’s diseases and problems are caused by his genetics. For example, Onyango’s schizophrenia is caused by an overproduction of the neuro-transmitter dopamine, and his depression comes from the psychological changes to neurons that dull them to serotonin.
Another problem is that Onyango failed to have intercourse. Even erectile dysfunction has a physical cause which may be caused by life-styles diseases, diabetes mellitus, high blood pleasure and obesity
According to biological approach the case of Onyango has to be treated using somatic therapy. Although many somatic therapies have been abandoned but there are still used and maybe be applicable. Both of these disorders are treated with chemotherapy, for example an anti-depressants like Prozac.
So according to biological view, Onyangos’ case has been caused by the psychological or genetical damage which causes him a depression. The biological treatment for the erectile dysfunction is the use of erectile stimulator like Viagra.
(iii) Cognitive-behavioral view of Onyango’s problems
Cognitive Behavioral view combines cognitive and behavioral perspectives. The approach focuses on thoughts, emotions, physical feelings and actions, and teaches clients how each one can have an effect on the other Cognitive-behavioral perspectives. Is useful for dealing with a number of issues, including depression, anxiety and phobias. Behavioral views is effective for individuals who require treatment for some sort of behavior change, such as addictions, phobias and anxiety disorders. Based on the principle that behavior is learnt, and can therefore be unlearnt, or reconditioned. Cognitive Therapy is based on the principle that the way we perceive situations influences how we feel about them.
Cognitive Behavioral view can be useful for dealing with issues such as anger, anxiety, depression, drug or alcohol problems, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder ,phobias ,post-traumatic stress disorder, Sexual and relationship problems .Cognitive therapists believe that it's dysfunctional thinking that leads to dysfunctional emotions or behaviors. By changing their thoughts, people can change how they feel and what they do. (Milrod, B.2007)
Basing on cognitive –behavioral  perspective, Onyango’s problems can be explained looking on the way Onyango sees ,think, and the way he relate the circumstances that face him with the reality. This can be seen when onyango was believing that he was possessed by the devil .More over the habit of onyango watching violent movies made him create heroic-fantasies. This later made him to be in deep psychological problems and stress, for example when he lost in a fight, when he was picked on by his roommate or the situation when his girlfriend broke up with him.
Also, when Onyango was 12 years old, Onyango´s mother created another unforgettable memory to Onyango when she prohibit Onyango to sleep in her bed after finding him masturbating at her side one night. Unconsciously Onyango interpret his mother’s reaction as a punishment to his masturbation, and associate this with something bad. So when Onyango is about to have intercourse with his girlfriend, he don’t understand why he is not able to perform, and he blames his girlfriend. This may be another root cause of Onyangos severe depression.
On the other side the root causes of Onyango’s problem can be discussed by looking at the behaviors that Onyango was developing and several event that faced him including the type of environment that Onyango grew. The little time Onyango spent with his father was characterized by ridicule and criticism, moreover  Onyango had little time to spend with his age mate most of his time spend with his mother (full-maid) .The criticism and the ridicule behavior of his father and his relationship problems may be the root causes of Onyango’s behavioral problems
The appropriate therapeutic measures of Onyango’s problems basing on cognitive –behavioral views can include a number of activities, such as Assessment training ,Relaxation ,Challenging certain thoughts, Homework projects, Training how to communication with others . The other therapeutic measures that can be applied are positive attitude toward oneself, self-actualizing, integration, autonomy, helping him to control accurate perception of reality and environmental mastery.
 (iv) Humanistic-existentialistic view of Onyango’s problem
Humanistic therapies focus on the client's present rather than past experiences, and on conscious feelings rather than unconscious thoughts. While existentialist deals with important life themes. These themes include living and dying, freedom, responsibility to self and others, finding meaning in life, and dealing with a sense of meaninglessness. More than other kinds of therapists, existentialist examine individuals' awareness of themselves and their ability to look beyond their immediate problems and daily events to problems of human existence. Existential therapists help their clients confront and explore anxiety, loneliness, despair, fear of death, and the feeling that life is meaningless. The main goals of humanist are to find out how individuals perceive themselves here and now and to recognize growth, self-direction and responsibilities. This method is optimistic and attempts to help individuals recognize their strengths by offering a non-judgmental, understanding experience.( Bruno F.1974)
Back to onyango’s case in relation to humanistic view as they argue that the child who does not receive uncondition positive regard from significant other become overly critical of themselves and develop conditions of worthless and harsh self standard they feel they must meet in order to be acceptable ,this is absolutely seen to onyango’s case when his father was always insulting, criticize,and showing redecule behaviour to him ,onyango had un-condition positive regard for his father.On the other side humanistic and existentialist like Anne Roe believe that the child over protection, over demanding and the child neglecting may cause a  problem or led to unusual behavior to the child .Focusing on onyango case, he received much over protection from his mother and rejetion from his father. Otherwise Onyango lost a sense of meaning and awereness just because of the way his parent treated him. All these may be the over riding causes of Onyango’s problems like depression and maniac-depressive psychosis (bipolar mood disorder ),anger, schizoid personality and he  sometimes became flamboyant

There are some few techniques specifically to existentialist and humanistic therapist toward Onyango’s problems as a counselor it can be effective normally to draw on techniques from a variety of techniques like logotherapy, and creating a caring, supportive atmosphere, by helping him achieving self-actualization and guiding Onyango toward personal realizations and insights. We can then encourage him to take responsibility for his lives, to accept himself, and recognize his own potential for growth and change.

(v) Family system model’s view of Onyango’s problems
Family model, also known as Systemic Therapy, is an approach that works with families and those in close relationships, regardless of whether they are blood related or not, to foster change. Changes are viewed in terms of the systems of interaction between each person in the family. The aim of Family model is to help family members find ways to help each other, whether the issue is believed to be an individual issue or whether it is believed to be a family issue. Family relationships are considered to be an important factor in the emotional health of each member within that family, and this approach to counseling emphasizes that being actively involved in the sessions, families’ can all participate in moving forward together, and a family therapist can encourage the support of this system of interaction. Although the sessions are usually with family groups, family therapists can also work with members of the family on an individual basis if appropriate. (Gross.R.2002),
As family model suggest above, the role of the family members in raising children and other family members, Onyango’s family sometimes failed to provide an appropriate care and guidance to him .Several times Onyango’s father showed  negative interaction and affection he also failed to build his sons self-esteem and self-worth otherwise onyango’s mother had poor parenting system when she failed to guide him over the kind of movies and games he mostly watched. All these was the root cause of the onyango’s problem.

 The possible therapeutic measure to be taken off towards onyango’s problem is through psycho dynamic therapy, helping family members be able to eliminate other family member’s bias and showing positive affection and appropriate care to their family members.

Behavioral views of Onyango problems
The behavioral approach focuses on how individuals learn and how this can be changed. The approach assume that, if a behavior can be learned, then it can also be unlearned (reconditioned).This therapy is useful for individuals who require treatments for some sort of behavioral change, such as addiction, anxiety, depression and phobic disorder.
Based on the principle that behavior is learned and therefore can be unlearned, behavioral therapy concentrates on the “here and now” without focusing on the past to find a reason for the behavior. This is much stressed from the work of Ivan Pavlov, a classical conditioning and B.F Skinner in operant conditioning. The importance of Pavlovian is that the conditioned response decrease in intensity the more times the conditioned stimulus occurred without reinforcement. So Onyangos’ depression may have been associated with some behavior modifications to bring insight. (Robertson, D.2010).
Therapeutic measures to be taken towards Onyango problems may include Diversion techniques; Behavior therapy using the diversion used to diminish negative thinking and emotions,  activity scheduling to increase positive emotions and mastery, “home and graded task assignment” which entails incremental steps of increasing difficult to reach goals, role play and rehearsal to try out and practice new behaviors and roles to be used in the real world. 



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Bernal, G. Y. Flores-Ortiz(1982). "Latino Families in Therapy: Engagement and Evaluation."                                                       journal of marital and family therapy 
Bruno Forauk, (1974) Psychology: A life centred Aproach. U.S.A. press Behavioral
Bateman, A.Holmes, J. (1995). Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Contemporary Theory and                                                Practice. Routledge
Gross.R. and Mcllveen. R. (2002), Psychology a New Introduction, Greengate  Publisher UK.
Miller, D. Wampold, Varhely, K. (2008). Direct comparisons of treatment modalities for youth                                                                  disorders: A meta-analysis. Psychotherapy Research
Milrod, B. Rudden, M. (2007), A randomized controlled clinical trial of psychoanalytic                                                                  psychotherapy for panic disorder. American Journal of                                                                    Psychiatry, pg164
Wood, Samuel (2005) The world of Psy 4th  edition. McGill University Toronto Psychoanalisis

Prepared by Reward Gerald Kihedu-Bachelor of Education in Guidance and Counseling
Phone +255757260116



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