Basic definitions

Data - is anything entered into a computer for the purpose of getting output
e.g. text, graphics / drawings, numbers, sound, etc.

Information- Is the result obtained after data has been entered and processed.

A Computer : A Computer is therefore a device that accepts data, processes it according to given instructions so as to produces results in form of  information or signal.

Menu: A main command that contains other commands or orders under it.
These menus are found on the Menu bar. They are File, Edit,………

Icon: This is a symbol representation of a computer function. Unlike a menu, when an icon is clicked, it performs a function immediately – it does not contain another sub-order. e.g. New Blank Document, Open, Save ……

Insertion Point: A vertical indicator that is moved by a mouse along an opened text. It is used to bring the cursor where a function is required by the computer user.
Cursor: A movable blinking indicator on a computer screen showing the point that will be affected by an action of the computer user.

Character: A letter, a symbol or a number.  (Character keys are keys on the keyboard containing letters, numbers or symbols.

n  Minicomputers


n  Personal (or desk top) computers


n  Laptop computer


Computer Components
A computer is divided into two main components, namely,

Input parts: These devices are used for accepting or entering data/information into the System unit.
Examples of input Devices include: Mouse, Keyboard, Camera, Microphone, etc.

Output parts: 
- Output devices are used to display information which has been processed by the Central Processing Unit (CPU). They include the Monitor, Printer, Speaker etc.
Note: A provision or a socket on the CPU housing in which any of the mentioned devices can be plugged is called a port.



Computer operating systems
Every computer has two operating systems:

1. Computer Hardware: These are the input and output devices mentioned above.

2. Computer Software: The different programs installed into the computer system that make it work. e.g. Microsoft Office, an Antivirus, games, Adobe, etc.

                                            THE MOUSE

- This is an input device that helps in communication with different parts of the opened computer program.


Don’t hold like this                                                      Hold like this 



Buttons found on the mouse
 Left button- Is used to select menu options or commands on the toolbars. To use this button, point to the option and click the button once.

Right button- Is used to access menus and icons of the toolbar by shortcut, instead of accessing them directly from the tool bars.

 Scroll Wheel - Located at the middle of the two buttons, it is used to move up and down on the opened document.
 Basic Mouse Operations

Moving- This means sliding the mouse around the opened window or document.

Clicking- Pressing the left button once.

Double clicking-This means pressing the left button twice quickly to open a document.

Right clicking – This is clicking the right button of the mouse to obtain short-cut operations.

Dragging- This is moving a text to new location. To do this, highlighting the text, point in the shaded text, holding down the left button of the mouse and drag to a new location.



- This device contains keys used to type data into the system unit of the computer. 
- The following keys can be found on the Keyboard:

* Function keys Labeled F1 to F12

*Alphanumeric Keys: with letters labeled A to Z and numbers 0 - 9

*Numeric Keys: numbered 0 to 9, with arithmetic keys: +, -, *, /.

*Special Keys: Control, Alter, Shift, Escape, Page up &Page down keys, Start Menu key, cursor keys or Arrow keys.


Backspace key- This key is used to delete unwanted characters and words towards the left side of the cursor.

Delete Key – deletes characters on the right hand side of the text, or deletes a portion of the text after highlighting it.

Space bar key- Is used to create space between words.

Enter key- Is used to agree with an operation ( works like an Okay key on hand phones), and to lower words, sentences or full paragraphs.

Arrow keys (also called Cursor keys)- These keys are used to move the cursor within the text.

Caps lock key- This key is used to write capital letters (called upper case letters) when typing by locking them. Pressing it again allows typing of small letters (called lower case letters).

Home key- It moves the cursor to the beginning of a line.

End key – This key moves the cursor to the end of a line.

Tab key-This key moves the cursor to the next paragraph setting (some distance inside the margin).
- It also creates another row of cells in a table when pressed while the cursor is in the last cell of the table..

Shift  key- This key is used together with another key to perform an operation.
Shift key has 3 functions:
1. Shift + any arrow key highlight a text;
2. It allows typing one capital letter at a time when typing common names,
eg. President, Morogoro, Lake Victoria, Peter, etc

3. When held, It types upper symbols on the key boards, such as  %  &  *  (   ) +  “ “ :  ?.

- *Alter key + any underlined letter of the Menu bar enables choosing the required menu; eg. Alt + F chooses File menu, Alt + o allows choosing a command under Format menu, etc.
- * Alt + F4 exits or closes an open program or turns off the computer.
- *Control key + B bolds a text; + I makes the text Italic, while +U underlines a text.
- * Ctrl + W closes an open document. 

Start Menu key takes the user to the Start icon to choose various options in the Start menu.

                                       THE MONITOR


- This hardware device is used to display information on the screen that has been processed by the CPU.
- Monitors usually come in different sizes measured diagonally, ranging from 14 to 21 inches.


A printer is an output device used  to produce  (to print) a document into  a hard copy.    ( Note: a  text seen on the computer screen is called a soft copy)


Some Selections in the Start Menu
The start menu contains several menus and icons that guide a computer user to various computer operations, commands and settings. Some of these include:

- Search: Helps the user to find files or folders in the computer. The search may base on *Picture, music or video; *Document; *file or folder name; *Computer or people.
- My Documents: This holds files stored in My Documents folder.

- My Recent Documents: shows the most recently opened documents / files / 8folders

- My Music – a guide to all kinds of music stored in the computer.

- All Programs: This menu contains all the programs installed in the computer.

- My Computer – a lead to different computer drives and shared documents.

- Control Panel: Allows the computer user to change various computer settings e.g. installing and removing programs, installing or removing hardware such as a printer; setting time and date; network connections, etc.

Turn off Computer – This icon allows turning off or restarting the computer.

Note: Some of these menus are shown on desk top for easy access.

A file is a collection of data kept in the computer as an independent document    
A folder is a directory containing files that are related, or those concerning one specific area – eg. Music folder, computer lessons folder, or staff matters.

Creating a folder
- A new folder is is created on Desktop or when My Documents folder is open/ --- Right click the mouse and choose New, then Folder.
-The New Folder icon appears
-Type the name of the folder then click outside the folder box or press Enter.

Creating a new Microsoft Word file
Use any of the three options below:
            a) Start menu / All programs / Microsoft Office / Microsoft Word.
OR     (b) From an open document, click New Blank Document icon in the
                Standard toolbar.
OR:     (c) From an open document, hold Ctrl key + N

Saving a file in the computer
You may decide to save a file before closing it or save it by first closing it. In the first option, click File menu /  Save as …. / type the file name you wish / click Save.

In the second option, close the file with a red X in the Control box on the Title bar/ click Yes to the question asking to save changes / type a file name / Save.

 Renaming a file or folder
Right click the file or folder to be renamed
Select and click on Rename from the menu
Type the new name
Click outside or Press Enter Key on the keyboard to complete renaming

Deleting a folder or a file
Select the file or folder to be deleted
Press delete key on the keyboard
All deleted files go to the Recycle bin.
Or Right click the file or folder you wish to delete and then click on delete
Confirm delete from the dialog box that appears.

Restoring files or folders taken to the Recycle bin
Right click the file that is to be returned to the old location and click Restore.

Permanent deletion of files and folders
Open Recycle bin, right click the file to be deleted, click delete.
Or, right click an empty space and click Empty Recycle bin.
Or, right click the recycle bin itself on the desk top and choose Empty Recycle bin.

Note: Files deleted from the recycle bin can never be received again!


- This is the top most bar on the monitor. It shows the name of the program one is currently working on. It has a control box in the upper right corner of the screen used to minimize, maximize, or exit the application.

- Minimize button-This button puts the current application window temporarily in the taskbar located at the bottom of the desk top. To return to the program, click the program’s name on the task bar.

 - Restore down / Maximize button - This allows viewing an opened window partially or fully. Clicking on these buttons makes the application screen smaller or larger.

- Close button: This red X closes the opened document from view and returns it to its old folder. If any changes were made to the file, the computer user will be asked to save them before it gets closed.

This menu contains 9 menus which give the computer user an access to all Word options. Clicking a given menu displays a list of related commands under it. These menus are File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window and Help.

This toolbar follows just below the Menu Bar.  It contains icons such as New, Open, Save, Print, Print Preview, …………and several others. Pointing an arrow to each will tell what it can do.
To put it into use, single-click on it.

This one is located below the Standard Toolbar. It has icons such as Font name, Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline …………and others.

Horizontal scroll bar:  Found at the foot of the page. The left arrow displays the left part of the text while the right one shows the right part of the text. These arrows are useful if the text is too wide to be displayed fully on the monitor.

Vertical scroll bar:  Found on the right of the monitor. The UP scroll arrow allows viewing the upper portion of the text while the DOWN scroll arrow views the lower part.

Scroll box: Found along the vertical scroll bar. Press and hold it with the mouse; then drag it up and down along the scroll bar to view different pages.
This bar is situated below the Horizontal Scroll Bar. It tells information about the present settings eg. current page, document size by page, current line number, current location of the insertion point, etc.

Found on the foot of the screen, it displays the program running and windows that are currently open. To bring a program or window to view, single click on the item on the taskbar.

This is the front face of an active sheet where a text is typed and displayed. This window may be minimized, maximized or closed, depending on the user’s requirement




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